May Flowers Exhibition


Come and join us at Texas Visual Arts Association Downtown Gallery for May Flowers Exhibition!

MAY FLOWERS” features the work of Miranda Abu-Farha, Tulika Bhatia, Maryam Mohi, Marlyss Brightwell, Lonnie Brown, Lauren Burgess, Noriko DeWitt,  Christie McMillon, Kevin Megison,  Julie Mortillaro, Sandra Mucha, T. Dale Nelson, Jan Partin, Celine Raphael-Leygues, Marco Rubino, Elisabeth Schalij, Karen Thompson, and Carole Wolanow. 

The show runs through May 31, 2016 at the TVAA Downtown Gallery, Plaza of the Americas, Suite G207, 700 N Pearl Street, Dallas 75201.

Come and join us for the reception on Sunday, May 15th from 2 to 4 in the afternoon. Free and open to the public.